Monday, December 31, 2012

Photo #2

This photo was taken in my classroom just before Christmas break.   Brandon brought Molly in and my students absolutely LOVE when she comes!  They all wanted to share their snack, hold her, share their toys with her, and try to get her to dance with them.  Of course Molly loves the attention too!  Moments like these make me realize how lucky I am to have the students that I have. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Photo #1

I decided to go with this photo that was taken this summer.  In all fairness I will give credit to Purrington Photography out of Bemidji for taking this photo.  I chose this photo because it includes the two of my most favorite people in the whole world!   From here on out, all of the photos that I will post will be taken by me but I just loved this photo too much not to include on my blog!  I love you so much Brandon and Molly.  The two of you have proven to me that I am capable of being in love more than I ever realized a person could. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

My Story...


As most of you may know, after 11 years of living in the beautiful town of Bemidji, MN, we have decided to move our family back home.  Brandon has been working in Detroit Lakes for the past 6 years and now with the arrival of our daughter, Molly, in May of 2011, it is even more evident that our family needs to be together.   The motivation behind our move back to the Detroit Lakes area has been family.  With family being my #1 priority, the move seemed like it was what "just needed to happen."  It has been such a blessing to have Brandon home with us every night and for this I am incredibly thankful that we made this decision.  That being said, I would be lying if I said that there weren't days that I miss my life in Bemidji with all of my heart.  I had the best support system, colleagues, daycare provider, friends, church, students' families, doctor, dentist, chiropractor, coffee shops, walking trails, and community that a girl could ask for. 

Moving Forward...

As I reflect on my feelings about my "new" chapter in life I have decided to focus on the positive.  I don't want to dwell on the things that I miss or don't have anymore.  This approach will not allow me to adjust and embrace this new chapter in our lives.  I have tossed around many ideas of how I can do this.  I have always had a passion for photography and would LOVE to share this with my friends and family. 

Time to Capture the Little Things...

I have set a personal goal to take one picture every day for the next 365 days.  Why you may be asking?  Life gets busy and fast!  I think it is important to slow down, smell the roses, and appreciate the little things.  I also feel that if I am intentionally looking for the beauty in my everyday life, I will learn to love this new chapter.  I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I plan to! 

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." 