Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Photo #24, #25, and #26

After school yesterday I drove down to Brooklyn Center for a math workshop.  I absolutely LOVE going to workshops!  Yes, I admit, I am a nerdy teacher when it comes to learning new strategies and teaching methods that will reach my students.  I wish I could afford to go to them more often!  Plus, what teacher doesn't love an occasional day off from school?  I spent Sunday night cleaning, doing laundry, and getting packed up.  On Monday I planned for my sub and kept telling myself that all the work to plan for my sub was going to pay off come Tuesday.  As I was driving down on Monday evening, the weather took a turn for the worst!  Driving a huge van down to the cities, I encountered rain, sleet, and snow all in one trip...but, I made it safely!  Another perk about being out of town was having a night to myself to stay up and sleep in without a baby waking me up.  As I am cuddled into my nice warm bed my text message alert goes off at 5:00 a.m. that says that school will be cancelled for the day due to bad weather and several inches of snow.  Go figure!  And now, I am wide awake!  Ha!  Ha!  I decided to make the most of my day so I got up, made coffee, watched the news, and surfed the internet.  It turned out to be a great start to my day!  The workshop was amazing and full of good resources!  And best of all...

 I was able to enjoy a nice lunch that did not include elementary cafeteria food, soup from a can, or last night's leftovers.  What a treat!  And the other best part about lunch was that we were given an hour to enjoy it!  Ha!  I am lucky if I find 20 minutes to just SIT down and eat during the school day. 

Driving back to Frazee was a bit challenging at times but overall, not nearly as bad as I was expecting, provided all the school closures.  Pulling into the parking lot of the high school to return the van, I stumbled across a bit of a surprise that I wasn't expecting.  There in the middle of the parking lot was my lonely car with about 12 inches of snow piled on top of it.  While I was away the plow came to plow the parking lot and managed to plow me in.  After about a half hour of sweeping snow, I was back on the road to home to see my family.  As nice as it is to get away, it was even nicer to come home to that sweet little face of my daughter that is always eager to greet me at the door.  (And of course, the hubby was happy to see me too!)


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