Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hanging onto summer...

As the end of August approaches and thoughts of school flood my mind, I find myself feeling a mix of emotions about summer coming to a close.  I am so excited to meet a new group of second graders.  I am so excited about trying out the new teaching strategies I have read about over the summer.  I am so excited to rearrange and reorganize my classroom in attempt to simplify my school year.  And in the midst of all this excitement, I find myself struggling with the thought of being back to the work grind...working way over 40 hours a week...feeling the stress...dreaming about school...waking up early... (you get the picture!)  In an effort to hang on to these last couple of weeks of summer, I have made myself a promise that I will take advantage of the time off that I do have left with my family.  Last night was a perfect night at the cabin (our summer home!).  I was able to capture a few snapshots from our evening together.  Life is GOOD!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Summer Snapshot

I am very GUILTY of not blogging on my personal blog this summer!  This snapshot was much too cute not to post though!  To celebrate my mom's birthday, we all went out to their home, enjoyed a nice lunch, played a few rounds of beanbags, went swimming, and finished off the day with a pontoon ride.  Molly was really excited that she got to sit on the table and drink her mama's pop!  I just couldn't say no to that sweet face...yes, I paid for it later!