Friday, April 26, 2013

Photo #65

We FINALLY have some weather to get excited about!  Did you get out and make the most of this spring weather that has decided to visit?  Let's hope that the visit is here for good!  We certainly embraced the beautiful evening as a family.  First order of business...rain boots!  We put our rainbboots on and walked in the puddles.  Molly jumped and ran through the water...giggling the whole time!  Our evening also included some guitar playing on the patio and a bike ride through our future neighborhood (at least I hope that is where we get to build)!  I'm looking forward to tomorrow's weather!  It's supposed to be even nicer outside!  Stay tuned for some more pictures!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Photo #64

It's official!  I found this lovely letter waiting for me in my mailbox at the end of the school day.  Nice to have some relief today!  Thank you Frazee schools!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Photo #62 and #63

 It's time to get motivated people!  I'm tired of giving myself excuse after excuse.  I have the summer ahead of me and I don't want to be self conscious anymore.  I've just come to terms with everything and I need to get my butt to the gym and follow a well-balanced diet lifestyle.  I joined Weight Watchers about 6 weeks ago and have lost 11 pounds.  My goal is to lose 50 pounds and I know that I can do it because I have done it before.  I am excited because I have people in my life that are motivating me and some don't even know it yet.  I have an aunt and a friend from Bemidji who are also doing Weight Watchers that are checking in with me every week so we can share the amount we lose (this helps to hold me accountable)!  And now after having coffee with another friend on Saturday, I just found out she is interested in joining me at the Weight Watchers meetings.  I love how everything is falling into place.  Cheers to a better me!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Photo #61

Now therefore, our God, we thank you, and praise your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13

God is good!  My grandpa, whom has been in the ICU for the past two weeks, is now off his life support and breathing on his own.  Just one week ago, his future was bleak and the doctors told us we needed to decide whether or not to pull life support or perform a tracheotomy.   Through many prayers, visits to the ICU, and lots of tears, he is pulling through yet another hurdle!  God is so good!  Selfishly, I admit, I am so thankful to be able to spend some more time with my grandpa here on Earth.  Let this be a lesson to me that I need not take anything for granted.  Life is fragile and can be taken from us at any given time.  Let this also be a lesson to treasure time that we have with our loved ones and take advantage of all the moments with them.  I plan to be more proactive with sharing in life's experiences with him.  

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.  

Psalm 118:24

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Photo #51-#60

We took a family trip to Bemidji this weekend.  Of course one of our first stops was our former daycare lady's house.  We love Julie so much, especially since she loves Molly as much as we do!  We are very blessed to have had her in our lives.  Molly hasn't seen her in almost a year and she still remembered her.  Of course Julie took her in immediately, sat her down at the table for a snack and lots of kisses and hugs!

Another stop that we had to make this weekend was at Northern Elementary.  What an amazing staff and group of kiddos!  I walked in during their lunch time and the kids were shocked to see me.  It was so was as if I was a famous person!  I heard..."Is that really Mrs. Olson?"  "Look, there she is!"  "I can't believe she is back!"  "Can I give you a hug?"  "Did you come back to teach here again?"  There's truly not a better, more rewarding profession than that of a teacher.  The picture you see above was taken last spring with my final class that I taught at Northern. 

And here we have little Miss Molly.  She was such a good little girl this weekend...and I think she loved the special time that she got to spend with her mommy and daddy.  This special girl has blessed our lives in so many ways...she has changed our lives forever.  We never knew nor could have expected the impact that one life could leave on us.  Here she is feeling pretty special with her tv tray and snack on the bed at the hotel.  


Time with friends was one of the many things that we go to do this weekend.  Above is a picture of my best friend Sarah and her sweet son James.  Molly absolutely adores James.  The way that Molly watches over and protects James just makes my heart melt.  This picture was taken at the Home Sport and Travel Show, which is the reason that brought us up to Bemidji in the first place.  (Brandon had to work at the show for Dynamic Homes/Zetah Construction). 

And finally...there was the POOL TIME!!!  Molly is at such a fun age right now.  She LOVED the water as you can see from these pictures.  She took many trips down the frog slide, swam with her parents, and practiced kicking her legs while mama floated her on her tummy.  So much fun!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Photo #50

 Can you guess where I am going to be this weekend?  I am sooooo excited!  The hubby is working at the Home, Sport, and Travel Show this weekend at the Dynamic Homes booth.  I thought this would be a great opportunity to use my last personal day and take off tomorrow morning.  I am looking forward to visiting my "home away from home".  It is always bittersweet to visit, as I feel that pieces of my heart are still in this special town.  

Molly is going to be joining us on this visit as well.  I am especially looking forward to bringing her back to my old stomping grounds...Northern Elementary!  My former students and staff haven't seen us for nearly a year!  I never thought that it would take me this long to get back to the school.  To be honest, this has been somewhat intentional.  In an effort to embrace this new chapter in our lives, I thought it would be healthy and helpful if I stayed away for awhile.  This has been incredibly hard for me as I miss everybody so much!  I am a little bit apprehensive to go back and visit because I do worry that this will bring doubts about our current living situation.  

That being said, I continue to pray to the good Lord above that if this chapter in our lives has been presented to us, then I would hope that He brings my husband and I some understanding and comfort.  As always, He comes through for us.  Though this year has been challenging and continues to be, I feel that there are good things in store for us.  I feel that there are some big changes ahead and I am eager and ready for them!  

Stay tuned for some Bemidji photos that I plan to take this weekend....and P.S...  are you following my blog yet?  If not, what are you waiting for??????  Just click "FOLLOW!"